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Actual. Sida Infectol. (En linea) ; 32(114): 26-35, 20240000. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551947


La infección por Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) es considerada de alta prioridad en salud pública, por su capacidad para desarrollar resistencia a la mayoría de los antibióticos empleados para tratarla. La presentación anorrectal suele ser asintomática y frecuente en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH). En Argentina, se recomienda terapia antibiótica dual (ceftriaxona+azitromicina/doxiciclina) como primera línea empírica. Este estudio observacional y retrospectivo se realizó para evaluar el porcentaje de positividad de NG anorrectal, el perfil de sensibilidad a penicilina, tetraciclina, ciprofloxacina, ceftriaxona, cefixima y azitromicina, así como los aspectos clínicos-epidemiológicos de los pacientes atendidos entre 20/10/2015 y 20/03/2020 en consultorios coloproctológicos de un hospital público. Se detectaron 55/436 hisopados rectales positivos para NG (13%). El 95% era HSH y 71%, VIH+. En 18/55 NG fue la única infección. Las co-infecciones más frecuentes: HPV (38%) y C. trachomatis (35%). La sensibilidad a cefalosporinas de espectro extendido (CEE) y a azitromicina fueron 100% y 98%, respectivamente. Se observó la emergencia local de los primeros cinco aislamientos de NG anorrectal con sensibilidad reducida (SR) a CEE, el primer aislamiento con categoría no-sensible a azitromicina y otro con SR a azitromicina concomitantemente con SR a CEE. Aunque el uso de terapia empírica dual sigue siendo adecuado para nuestra institución, se observó la emergencia de aislamientos con SR y NS a las drogas de primera línea, evidenciando la importancia de la vigilancia epidemiológica a nivel local para definir los tratamientos empíricos.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) infection is considered a high public health priority because of its ability to develop resistance to most of the antibiotics used to treat it.The anorectal presentation is generally asymptomatic and frequent in men who have sex with men (MSM). In Argentina, dual therapy (ceftriaxone+azithromycin/doxycycline) is recommended as first line empiric therapy.This observational and retrospective study was conducted to evaluate the percentage of anorectal NG positivity, the susceptibility profile to penicillin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, cefixime and azithromycin, as well as the clinical-epidemiological aspects of patients attended between 20/10/2015 and 20/03/2020 in coloproctology of a public hospital.We detected 55/436 positive rectal swabs for NG (13%). 95% were MSM and 71% were PLHIV. In 18/55 NG was the only infection. The most frequent co-infections: HPV (38%) and C. trachomatis (35%).Susceptibility to extended-spectrum cephalosporins (ESCs) and azithromycin was 100% and 98%, respectively. Local emergence of the first five anorectal NG isolates with decreased susceptibility (DS) to ESCs, the first isolate with nonsusceptible category to azithromycin and another with DS to azithromycin concomitantly with DS to ESCs were observed.Although the use of dual empirical therapy continues to be adequate for our institution, the emergence of isolates with DS and NS to first-line drugs was observed, evidencing the importance of epidemiological surveillance at the local level to define empirical treatments

Humans , Male , Female , Proctitis/pathology , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Gonorrhea/therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/therapy , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Sexual Behavior
Rev Enferm UFPI ; 12(1): e3933, 2023-12-12. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1523898


Objetivo: Analisar a influência do consumo de Mídias Sexuais Explícitas nas práticas de risco ao HIV/Aids em residentes da região nordeste do país. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo analítico, transversal, incluindo 349 residentes da região nordeste com idade a partir de 18anos. Os dados foram coletados de forma online, no período de julho a dezembro de 2021, utilizando-se questionário adaptado. A variável desfecho foi o uso do preservativo nas relações sexuais (sim/não). Realizou-se a Regressão de Logística Múltipla Hierárquica com razão de chance ajustada, para explicar o efeito das variáveis preditoras sobre a variável dependente. Resultados: Ter renda maior que um salário-mínimo e estar solteiro aumentam as chances de uso do preservativo, enquanto estar namorando, casado ou unido, coito interrompido, sexo sem penetração, conhecimento do status sorológico e das parcerias, uso de Profilaxia Pré-Exposição, dificuldades e impossibilidades de acesso ao preservativo na pandemia foram fatores de proteção contra o uso. Conclusão: O consumo de mídias sexuais explícitas não influenciou o não uso de preservativo. Entretanto, observaram-se práticas utilizadas como preventivas ao HIV/Aids, que desconsideram a prevenção combinada implicando na necessidade de implementação de estratégias de educação sexual com vistas à prevenção do HIV/Aids e outras infecções sexualmente transmissíveis. Descritores: Mídia Audiovisual; Comportamento Sexual; Preservativos; HIV.

Objective:To analyze the influence of Sexually Explicit Media consumption on HIV/AIDS risk practices in residents of the Northeast region of the country. Methods:This is an analytical and cross-sectional study, including 349 residents of the Northeast region aged at least 18 years old. The data were collected online from July to December 2021 using an adapted questionnaire. The outcome variable was condom use during sexual intercourse(yes/no). Hierarchical Multiple Logistic Regression with adjusted odds ratio was performed to explain the effect of the predictive variables on the dependent variable.Results:Earning incomes above one minimum wage and being single increase the chances of condom use, whereas being in a relationship, married or with a partner, the withdrawal method, sex without penetration, knowledge about one's own serological status and the partners', use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, and difficulties and impossibility accessing condoms during the pandemic were protective factors against their use. Conclusion: Sexually explicit media consumption did not influence non-use of condoms. However, practices used to prevent HIV/AIDS were observed, which disregard combined prevention, implying the need to implement sexual education strategies with a view to preventing HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections. Descriptors: Video-Audio Media; Sexual Behavior; Condoms; HIV.

Sexual Behavior , HIV , Condoms , Video-Audio Media
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(6): 366-374, dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530035


Objetivo: Caracterizar las disfunciones sexuales y estimar la prevalencia en un grupo de mujeres en transición a la menopausia, así como evaluar la frecuencia de la sintomatología climatérica. Método: Estudio de corte transversal, entre 2017 y 2020, que incluyó 411 mujeres en transición a la menopausia, residentes en el Quindío, con pareja estable y actividad sexual en las últimas 6 semanas. Se utilizó como instrumento el FSFI-6 (6-Item Female Sexual Function Index). Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 46,53 ± 2,87 años. La prevalencia de disfunciones sexuales fue del 38,92%, caracterizadas por dificultades con el deseo sexual (38,92%), seguido de dolor/dispareunia (35,52%). El promedio general en la puntuación del FSFI-6, en la totalidad de la población participante, fue de 22,29 ± 0,84 puntos; en la población afectada (< 19 puntos) fue de 15,78 ± 3,94. En los dominios, la puntuación más baja estuvo en el deseo (3,14 ± 0,56). La mediana de disfunciones sexuales por mujer fue de tres (23,84%). Conclusiones: más de un tercio de las mujeres del Quindío en transición a la menopausia presentan disfunciones sexuales; el trastorno más común fue el bajo deseo. Se deben hacer esfuerzos para aumentar la conciencia en los asuntos de salud sexual.

Objective: To characterize sexual dysfunctions and estimate the prevalence in a group of women in transition to menopause, as well as to evaluate the frequency of climacteric symptoms. Method: Cross-sectional study, between 2017 and 2020, included 411 women in transition to menopause, residents of Quindío, with a stable partner and sexual activity in the last 6 weeks. The FSFI-6 (6-Item Female Sexual Function Index) was used as an instrument. Results: The mean age was 46.53 ± 2.87 years. The prevalence of sexual dysfunctions was 38.92%, characterized by difficulties with sexual desire (38.92%), followed by pain/dyspareunia (35.52%). The general average, in the FSFI-6 score, in the entire participating population, was 22.29 ± 0.84 points; while in the affected population (< 19 points), it was 15.78 ± 3.94. In the domains, the lowest score was in desire (3.14 ± 0.56). The median number of sexual dysfunctions per woman was three (present in 23.84%). Conclusions: This study showed that more than one third of the women in Quindío, in transition to menopause, had sexual dysfunctions; the most common type of disorder was low desire. Efforts should be made to increase awareness about sexual health issues.

Humans , Female , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/etiology , Menopause/psychology , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dyspareunia
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(3): 32957, 26 dez. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1524445


Introdução:A endometriose consiste em uma patologia ginecológica bastante prevalente emmulheres de múltiplas faixas etárias, consistindo em um desafio constante para a fertilidade, sexualidade e demais aspectos da qualidade de vida.Objetivo:Avaliar o perfil epidemiológico, formas de tratamento e os aspectos biopsicossociais associados à saúde sexual das mulheres com endometriose. Metodologia:Esta é uma revisão integrativa da literatura cujapergunta norteadorafoi "Como a endometriose influencia nos aspectos biopsicossociais inerentes ao comportamento sexual feminino?". Foi aplicada a estratégia de busca "Endometriose AND Dispareunia AND Qualidade de Vida" na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e sua versão em inglês "EndometriosisAND DyspareuniaAND Quality of Life" na base de dados PubMed, com ofiltro"últimos10anos"aplicadoemambasasplataformas.Critérios de inclusão: estudos que abordassem mulheres cisgênero, em idade fértil,com vida sexual ativa, diagnóstico prévio de endometriose pélvica ou profunda e distúrbios ou queixas sexuais. Critério de exclusão: artigos que contemplassem mulheres em uso de psicofármacos. Resultados:Inicialmente,foram obtidos 227 artigos. Apósanálise primária, 189 estudos foram excluídos, seguindo para a etapa seguinte apenas 38. Destes, somente 15 atenderam aos critérios e foram considerados válidos para compor o presente estudo.No âmbito sexual, a endometriose pode acarretar aredução da frequência das relações, sangramentos durante ou após o coito, desinteresse em preliminares, desconforto em certas posições, términos de relacionamentos, conflitos conjugais, e, sobretudo, dispareunia.Conclusões:Diante dos prejuízos em diversos âmbitos da vida e bem-estar feminino causados pela endometriose, faz-se indispensável maior qualificação dos serviços de saúde para o diagnóstico precoce e intervenções efetivas, bem como apoio, acolhimento e acompanhamento multiprofissional contínuo. Além disso, a adaptação, compreensão e solicitude dos parceiros são fundamentais para que as mulheres sejam capazes de melhor gerenciar tais desafios (AU).

Introduction:Endometriosis is a gynecological pathology that is quite prevalent among women of multiple age groups, representing a constant challenge to fertility, sexuality, and other aspects of quality of life.Objective:To evaluate the epidemiological profile, forms of treatment and biopsychosocial aspects associated with the sexual health of women with endometriosis.Methodology:This is an integrative review of the literature whose guiding question was "How does endometriosis influence the biopsychosocial aspects inherent to female sexual behavior?". The search strategy "Endometriosis AND Dyspareunia AND Quality of Life" was applied in the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) and in the PubMed database, with the "last 10 years" filter applied on both platforms. Inclusion criteria: studies that addressed cisgender women, of childbearing age, with active sexual life, previous diagnosis of pelvic or deep endometriosis and sexual disorders or complaints. Exclusion criteria: articles that included women using psychotropic drugs. Results:Initially, 227 articles were obtained. After primary analysis, 189 studies were excluded, only 38 going on to the next stage. Of these, only 15 met the criteria and were considered valid to be part of the present study. In the sexual sphere, endometriosis can lead to a reduction in the frequency of intercourse, bleeding during or after coitus, lack of interest in foreplay, discomfort in certain positions, relationship endings, marital conflicts, and, above all, dyspareunia.Conclusions:Given the damage to various areas of life and female well-being caused by endometriosis, it is essential to improve the quality of health services for early diagnosis and effective interventions, as well as support, reception, and continuous multidisciplinary monitoring. Furthermore, adaptation, understanding and concern from partners are fundamental for women to be able to better manage such challenges (AU).

Introducción:La endometriosis esuna patología ginecológica bastante prevalente en mujeres de múltiples grupos etarios, que supone un reto constante para la fertilidad, la sexualidad y otros aspectos de la calidad de vida.Objetivo:Evaluar elperfil epidemiológico, las formas de tratamiento y los aspectos biopsicosociales asociados a la salud sexual de las mujeres con endometriosis.Metodología:Se trata de una revisión integradora cuya pregunta orientadora fue "¿Cómo influye la endometriosis en los aspectos biopsicosociales inherentes a la conducta sexual femenina?".Se aplicó la estrategia de búsqueda "Endometriosis AND Dispareunia AND Calidad de Vida" en la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS) y su versión en inglés en PubMed, con el filtro "últimos 10 años" enambas plataformas. Criterios de inclusión: estudios dirigidos a mujeres cisgénero en edad fértil, con vida sexual activa, diagnóstico previo de endometriosis pélvica o profunda, y trastornos o quejas sexuales. Criteriode exclusión: artículos que incluían mujeres usuarias de psicofármacos.Resultados:Inicialmente se obtuvieron 227 artículos. Después del análisis primario, se excluyeron 189 estudios y solo 38 pasaran a la siguiente etapa. De estos, solo 15 cumplieron con los criterios y seconsideraron válidos para el presente estudio. En el ámbito sexual, la endometriosis puede provocar reducción de la frecuencia de relaciones sexuales, sangrado durante o después de las relaciones sexuales, falta de interés por los juegos previos, molestias en determinadas posiciones, rupturas, conflictos matrimoniales y, sobre todo, dispareunia.Conclusiones:Ante los daños causados por la endometriosis en diversos ámbitos de la vida y el bienestar de las mujeres, es indispensable mejorar la calidad de losservicios de salud para el diagnóstico precoz y las intervenciones efectivas, así como apoyo, acogida y seguimiento multidisciplinar continuo. Además, la adaptación, comprensión y solicitud de las parejas son fundamentales para que las mujeres puedan gestionar mejor estos desafíos (AU).

Female , Quality of Life/psychology , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Women's Health , Dyspareunia/pathology , Endometriosis/pathology , Health Profile , Models, Biopsychosocial
Rev. polis psique ; 13(2): 138-157, 2023-11-13.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1517844


Sex toys nem sempre foram utilizados visando prazeres sexuais, mas também como instrumentos terapêuticos e/ou de dominação. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi compreender significados dos usos dos sex toys por mulheres. Quinze mulheres cisgêneras responderam a uma entrevista cujos conteúdos foram organizados em duas categorias analisadas a partir dos argumentos sobre contrassexualidade e sociedade farmacopornográfica. Os principais resultados destacaram aspectos positivos (produção do prazer, da saúde e do empoderamento; novas experiências sexuais; autoconhecimento) e negativos (custo; culpabilização; julgamentos) no uso dos sex toys. Destacam-se as potencialidades destes objetos enquanto produtores de transformações nos esquemas normalizadores do dispositivo da sexualidade. (AU)

Sex toys have not always been used as objects of sexual pleasure, but also as therapeutic instruments of male domination. The objective of this research was to understand the meanings of the uses of sex toys by women. Fifteen cisgender women participated in this research and their answers were organized into two categories analyzed from arguments about counter-sexuality and pharmacopornographic society. The main results highlighted positive aspects (sexual pleasure, mental health, and female empowerment; new sexual experiences; self-knowledge) and negative aspects (high cost; guilt for masturbation; judgment by others) in the use of sex toys. We highlight the potential of these objects as producers of sexuality dispositive. (AU)

Los juguetes sexuales no siempre se han utilizado como objetos de placer sexual, sino también como instrumentos terapéuticos y/o de dominación masculina. El objetivo de esta investigación fue comprender los significados de los usos de los juguetes sexualespor las mujeres. Quince mujeres cisgénero participaron de una entrevista y sus respuestas fueron organizadas a partir de un análisis de contenido temático en dos categorías analizadas a partir de argumentos sobre la contra-sexualidad y la sociedad farmacopornográfica. Los principales resultados destacaron los aspectos positivos (producción de placer sexual, salud mental y empoderamiento femenino; nuevas experiencias sexuales; autoconocimiento) y los negativos (alto coste; sentimiento de culpa por la masturbación; juicio de terceros y familiares) en el uso de juguetes sexuales. Destacamos el potencial de estos joguetes sexuales como productores de transformaciones en los esquemas de normalización del dispositivo de sexualidad. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Sexual Behavior/psychology , Sexuality , Pleasure , Cross-Sectional Studies
Psico USF ; 28(4): 753-765, Oct.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529178


The period of youth represents a milestone for sexual transitions, including casual practices. However, having erotic experiences does not presume competence in seeking casual sex (CS), and having a repertoire that is not socially competent for casual sex (CS) can lead to sexual risks. Accordingly, this study constructed and generated evidence of validity for a measure of social skills (SS) related to CS. Initially, 48 items were constructed and applied to a valid sample of 571 heterosexual, cisgender and single young people. Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed, the initial items were reduced to 18 and divided into two factors: Direct Sociosexual Skills, with 11 items (a = .81 and ω = .81), and Indirect Sociosexual Skills, with seven items (a = .67 and ω = .67). This instrument could contribute to the promotion of sexual health, as a more elaborate SS repertoire would be related to lower rates of abuse, sexually transmitted infections and harassment.(AU)

A juventude representa um marco para as transições sexuais, incluindo práticas casuais. Contudo, ter experiências eróticas não presume competência para sua busca, e um repertório pouco competente socialmente para o sexo casual (SC) pode levar a riscos sexuais. Nesse sentido, esse estudo construiu e gerou evidências de validade para uma medida de habilidades sociais (HS) relativas ao SC. Inicialmente, foram construídos 48 itens que foram aplicados a uma amostra válida de 571 jovens heterossexuais, cisgêneros e solteiros. Foi realizada a Análise Fatorial Exploratória, os itens foram reduzidos para 18 e divididos em dois fatores: Habilidades Sociossexuais Diretas, com 11 itens (α = 0,81 e ω = 0,81), e Habilidades Sociossexuais Indiretas, com sete itens (α= 0,67 e ω = 0,67). Este instrumento poderá contribuir para a promoção da saúde sexual, na medida que um repertório mais elaborado de HS estaria relacionado a menores índices de abuso, infecções sexualmente transmissíveis e assédio.(AU)

La juventud representa un hito para las transiciones sexuales, incluyendo prácticas casuales. Sin embargo, tener experiencias eróticas no supone competencia para buscarlas, y un repertorio socialmente inadecuado para el sexo casual (SC) puede conducir a riesgos sexuales. En este sentido, este estudio construyó y generó evidencias de validez para una medida de habilidades sociales (HS) relacionadas con el SC. Inicialmente, se crearon 48 ítems que se aplicaron a una muestra válida de 571 jóvenes heterosexuales, cisgénero y solteros. Se realizó un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio y los ítems se redujeron a 18 y se dividieron en dos factores: Habilidades Sociosexuales Directas, con 11 ítems (α= 0.81 y ω= 0.81), y Habilidades Sociosexuales Indirectas, con siete ítems (α= 0.67 y ω= 0,67). Este instrumento podría contribuir a la promoción de la salud sexual, ya que un repertorio de HS más elaborado se asocia con menores índices de abuso, infecciones de transmisión sexual y acoso sexual.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Sex , Sexual Behavior , Sexuality/psychology , Social Skills , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Correlation of Data , Sociodemographic Factors
Diagn. tratamento ; 28(2): 76-80, abr-jun. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427633


Esse artigo se baseia nas publicações de Schenck, especialista no assunto. Parassonias são comportamentos sexuais anômalos relacionados ao sono, caracterizados por movimentos complexos, emoções, percepções, sonhos e atividade do sistema nervoso autônomo. Podem provocar lesões, interrupção do sono, efeitos adversos à saúde e psicossociais. O diagnóstico é clínico: história médica e antecedentes (relatos de parcerias ou familiares e vídeos domésticos). Polissonografia é reservada para casos atípicos. O tratamento inclui medidas protetivas, esclarecimento ao familiar/cônjuge, controle dos fatores precipitantes, medicamento (clonazepam) e psicoterapia. A sexônia é uma parassonia (subtipo não REM), melhor estudada. Masturbação e tentativas inadequadas de obter relações sexuais (seguidas de amnésia ou lembrança vaga) são frequentes. A frequência em clínicas do sono é de 7,6% (homens 11,0%; mulheres 4,0%). Esses comportamentos surgem no curso de longa história de parassonia, desencadeando despertares confusionais. Terapia nasal com pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas pode controlar. Em homens, ereção peniana, associada à sexônia, é referida pela parceria. Providência importante é inquirir sobre sexônia, quando houver suspeita, uma vez que o paciente e/ou sua parceria não costumam falar, a menos que sejam solicitados ou por questões legais. Revisão de 18 casos médico-legais sobre violência relacionada ao sono e comportamento sexual durante o sono encontrou 9 casos em que sexônia foi alegada pela defesa. Foram apresentadas avaliações dos réus, as quais diferiram de caso para caso, alertando para a necessidade de consenso internacional. Abuso de álcool desqualifica a "defesa baseada em parassonia [sexônia]" em casos médico-legais.

Humans , Sexual Behavior , Parasomnias/epidemiology , Prevalence , Parasomnias/therapy , Sleep Arousal Disorders/epidemiology , Forensic Medicine
FEMINA ; 51(5): 299-308, 20230530. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512411


Objetivo: Investigar o impacto dos contraceptivos orais hormonais na função sexual de mulheres. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado por meio do questionário traduzido e validado "Índice da Função Sexual Feminina", capaz de estimar o risco de disfunção sexual feminina. Dados sociodemográficos, ginecológicos, medicamentosos e outros foram avaliados e correlacionados estatisticamente a esse escore, estimando possíveis causas da disfunção sexual, com destaque para o uso de anticoncepcional oral. O estudo foi baseado em uma amostragem por conveniência, incluindo mulheres > 18 anos em idade reprodutiva, de 04/01/2021 a 04/01/2022, obedecendo aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Resultados: Participaram deste estudo 105 mulheres com média e desvio-padrão de idade de 23,4 ± 3,8 anos, predominantemente heterossexuais (84,0%) e bissexuais (13,2%). A maioria delas (93,4%) utiliza métodos contraceptivos, sendo esses anticoncepcional oral (45,3%), DIU hormonal (19,8%) e camisinha (17,0%). A composição hormonal mais utilizada foi levonorgestrel (26,4%) e etinilestradiol (25,5%). Oitenta por cento das mulheres são sexualmente ativas, 69,3% delas têm parceria fixa, 42,5% tinham relações quase sempre e 33,0% referiam que as relações sexuais eram sempre satisfatórias. Houve boa adequação da amostra (0,865) e significância estatística (p < 0,0001). Utilizar ou não método contraceptivo apresentou diferença nos domínios desejo, satisfação e dor. Contudo, as questões do histórico sexual foram as que mais apresentaram relevância estatística em relação aos domínios. Conclusão: Apesar de outros estudos serem necessários para provar a hipótese de que os contraceptivos orais têm impacto negativo na função sexual feminina, é clara a importância de os profissionais de saúde já estarem cientes dessa possibilidade e saberem como abordá-la.

Objective: To investigate the impact of hormonal oral contraceptives on women's sexual function. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out using the translated and validated questionnaire "Index of Female Sexual Function", capable of estimating the risk of female sexual dysfunction. Sociodemographic, gynecological, medication and other data were evaluated and statistically correlated to this score, estimating possible causes of sexual dysfunction, with emphasis on the use of oral contraceptives. The study was based on a convenience sample, including women > 18 years of reproductive age, from 01/04/2021 to 01/04/2022, following inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: The study included 105 women with a mean and standard deviation of (23.4 ± 3.8) years old, predominantly heterosexual (84.0%) and bisexual (13.2%). Most of them (93.4%) use contraceptive methods, these being (45.3%) oral contraceptives, (19.8%) hormonal IUDs and (17.0%) condoms. The most used hormonal composition was levonorgestrel (26.4%) and ethinylestradiol (25.5%). Eighty percent of the women are sexually active, 69.3% of them have a steady partner, 42.5% almost always had sex and 33.0% said that sex was always satisfactory. There was good sample adequacy (0.865) and statistical significance (p < 0.0001). Using or not using a contraceptive method showed a difference in the desire, satisfaction and pain domains. However, sexual history questions were the ones that showed the most statistical relevance in relation to the domains. Conclusion: Although further studies are needed to prove the hypothesis that oral contraceptives have a negative impact on female sexual function, it is clear that health professionals are already aware of this possibility and know how to approach it.

Humans , Female , Adult , Women's Health/trends , Contraceptives, Oral/adverse effects , Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological , Quality of Life , Sexual Behavior , Condoms , Contraceptive Agents, Hormonal , Gynecology , Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data , Intrauterine Devices , Libido/drug effects
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 21(1): 1-15, ene.-abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427746


durante la adolescencia se adquieren conocimientos y se desarrollan actitudes hacia el sexo, la anticoncepción y la reproducción, aspectos que influirán en el comportamiento sexual que repercute directamente en la calidad de vida. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los factores sociales y emocionales asociados al inicio de la actividad sexual, así como sus consecuencias como el embarazo y las enfermedades de transmisión sexual en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, transversal y correlacional de una muestra de 1191 estudiantes de secundaria que recibieron cuestionarios sobre factores socioemocionales e iniciación sexual. Los datos se procesaron mediante estadística descriptiva y la prueba chi-cuadrado de Pearson para determinar la asociación entre los factores evaluados. Resultados: la tasa de inicio de la actividad sexual entre los adolescentes fue del 45 %, de los cuales el 14 % utilizaba protección. El 88,8 % de los adolescentes dice recibir apoyo de los padres, el 39 % acepta tratos violentos en el hogar y el 47 % tuvo una madre adolescente embarazada, entre otros aspectos. Conclusiones: existe una relación significativa (con p < 0.05) entre los factores socioemocionales de género, proyectos de vida, actividades extracurriculares, apoyo de los padres, violencia intrafamiliar y maltrato, con respecto a las madres con antecedente de embarazo precoz e inicio de la actividad sexual en la adolescencia.

During adolescence, knowledge is acquired and attitudes toward sex, contraception, and reproduction are developed, aspects that will influence sexual behavior, which has a direct impact on quality of life. Therefore, this study was designed to determine the social and emotional factors associated with the onset of sexual activity and its consequences, such as pregnancy and sexually transmitted dis-eases, among adolescents and young adults. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional, and cor-relational study involving 1,191 high school students was conducted. A questionnaire containing questions on socio-emotional factors and sexual initiation was administered. Data were processed using descriptive statistics and Pearson's chi-square test to determine the association between the evaluated factors. Results:The initiation rate of sexual activity among adolescents was 45%, of whom 14% used protection. However, 88.8% of the adolescents received parental support, 39% accepted violent treatment at home, and 47% had a pregnant adolescent mother, among other aspects. Conclusions: There is a significant relationship between the socio-emotional factors of sex, life projects, extracurricular activities, parental support, intra-family violence, and mistreatment. Having a mother with a history of early pregnancy is associated with the onset of sexual activity among adolescents.

durante a adolescência, são adquiridos conhecimentos e desenvolvidas atitudes em relação ao sexo, contracepção e reprodução, aspectos que irão influenciar o comportamento sexual que afeta diretamente a qualidade de vida. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os fatores sociais e emocionais associados ao início da atividade sexual, bem como suas consequências, como a gravidez e doenças sexualmente transmissíveis em adolescentes e jovens adultos. Materiais e métodos: estudo descritivo, transversal e correlacional em uma amostra de 1191 estudantes do ensino médio que rece-beram questionários sobre fatores socioemocionais e iniciação sexual. Os dados foram processados por meio de estatística descritiva e teste qui-quadrado de Pearson para determinar a associação entre os fatores avaliados. Resultados: a taxa de início da atividade sexual entre os adolescentes foi de 45%, dos quais 14% utilizavam proteção. 88,8% dos adolescentes afirmaram receber apoio dos pais, 39% recebem tratamento violento em casa e 47% têm mãe adolescente grávida, entre outros aspectos. Conclusões: existe uma relação significativa com p < 0,05 entre os fatores socioemocionais de gênero, projetos de vida, atividades extracurriculares, apoio parental, violência doméstica e maus-tratos. Mães com histó-rico de gravidez precoce e início da atividade sexual na adolescência.

Humans , Reproduction , Sex , Sexual Behavior , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Contraception , Education, Primary and Secondary , Gender Identity , Social Factors
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 35: 1-7, jan. 31, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417332


Introduction: Bacterial vaginosis is characterized by the imbalance of the vaginal flora, with decrease in Lactobacillus and increase in other bacteria. Objective: To investigate the prevalence and factors associated with bacterial vaginosis. Methods: Systematic review based on the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, filed in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews. The research was conducted in the PubMed and Scopus databases in September 2021. After reading the titles and abstracts of 84 articles and the full text of 20 articles, 10 of them were included in the review. The articles were considered eligible if they investigated the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis and used Amsel's diagnostic criteria or Gram-stained bacterioscopy in women of reproductive age without comorbidities. The studies were evaluated by two investigators to establish reliability. The risk of bias and the quality of the selected studies were evaluated using the Joanna Briggs Institute tool. Results: The mean prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in the included studies was 25.4% (95%CI 24.0­26.8). In three population-based studies, the mean prevalence was 18.1% (95%CI 16.0­20.5); and in seven clinic-based studies, it was 27.2% (95%CI 24.6­29.9). The factors associated with bacterial vaginosis were the use of sex accessories (OR 2.4; 95%CI 1.1­4.9), marital status "single" (OR 1.4; 95%CI 1.1­1.8), partner infidelity (OR 1.5; 95%CI 1.2­1.9), abnormal vaginal secretion (OR 1.5; 95%CI 1.2­2.0), and the presence of trichomoniasis (OR 4.1; 95%CI 1.5­11.5). Conclusion: The prevalence of bacterial vaginosis was high, and the associated factors are linked to sexual behavior.

Introdução: A vaginose bacteriana caracteriza-se pelo desequilíbrio da flora vaginal, com diminuição dos Lactobacillus e aumento de outras bactérias. Objetivo: Investigar a prevalência e os fatores associados à vaginose bacteriana. Métodos: Revisão sistemática baseada nas diretrizes do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, protocolado no International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews. A pesquisa foi realizada nas bases de dados da PubMed e da Scopus, em setembro de 2021. Após a leitura dos títulos e dos resumos de 84 artigos e do texto completo de 20 artigos, dez foram incluídos na revisão. Os trabalhos foram considerados elegíveis quando investigaram a prevalência de vaginose bacteriana e utilizaram os critérios diagnósticos de Amsel ou a bacterioscopia corada pelo Gram em mulheres em idade reprodutiva e sem comorbidades. Os estudos foram avaliados por duas pesquisadoras para estabelecer a confiabilidade. O risco de viés e a qualidade das pesquisas selecionadas foram avaliados pela ferramenta do Joanna Briggs Institute. Resultados: A prevalência média de vaginose bacteriana nos trabalhos incluídos foi de 25,4% (intervalo de confiança ­ IC95% 24,0­26,8). Em três estudos de base populacional, a prevalência média foi de 18,1% (IC95% 16,0­20,5); e, em sete estudos de base clínica, a prevalência média foi de 27,2% (IC95% 24,6­29,9). Os fatores associados à vaginose bacteriana foram o uso de acessórios sexuais (odds ratio ­OR 2,4; IC95% 1,1­4,9), estado civil "solteira" (OR 1,4; IC95% 1,1­1,8), infidelidade do parceiro (OR 1,5; IC95% 1,2­1,9), secreção vaginal anormal (OR 1,5; IC95% 1,2­2,0) e presença de tricomoníase (OR 4,1; IC95% 1,5­11,5). Conclusão: A prevalência de vaginose bacteriana foi elevada e os fatores associados estão ligados ao comportamento sexual.

Humans , Vaginosis, Bacterial , Flora , Lactobacillus , Sexual Behavior , Women , Bodily Secretions
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 35jan. 31, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443621


Introduction: Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is the use of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) to reduce the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection after potential risk exposure. ARV-based interventions are recommended as part of combination HIV prevention, especially for key populations. Objective: The aim of this study was to measure knowledge about PEP among university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on university students from the Health, Education, Exact, and Human Sciences Departments of the State University of Bahia, Brazil. Sociodemographic data, information on sexual behavior, and knowledge of PEP were collected through a standardized self-applied questionnaire. Results: We analyzed 1580 questionnaires, of which 66.7% (1024/1536) were from females, with a mean age of 23.9 (±6.5) years, and 35.4% (448/1264) reported irregular use of condoms and regular use was not associated with being students from the health area (p=0.44, OR 0.90, 95%CI 0.69­1.17). Regarding PEP, 28.5% (449/1578) had known about it and their knowledge was statistically associated with men who have sex with men (MSM) (p<0.01, OR 3.92, 95%CI 2.45­6.28). It was noted that 94.0% (1485/1579) did not know the time limit for starting PEP, 95.1% (1500/1578) did not know the duration of prophylaxis, and 91.1% (1437/1577) did not know where to get PEP. Finally, 0.4% (7/1578) referred to previous use and 96.6% (1488/1540) would not change their sexual behavior after knowing about PEP. Conclusion: PEP is a prevention strategy available for decades and is safe, effective, and cost-effective. However, it is underutilized and a lack of knowledge on PEP is one of the main obstacles to access. Among university students, there is a limited knowledge about PEP acting as a barrier in preventing new infections, which shows the need for interventions based on sexual-health education, stimulating the reduction of risk behaviors and disseminating information about combination prevention.

Introdução: A Profilaxia Pós-Exposição (PEP) é o uso de medicamentos antirretrovirais (ARVs) para reduzir o risco de infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV) após uma potencial exposição. Intervenções baseadas em ARV são recomendadas como parte da prevenção combinada do HIV, especialmente para populações-chave. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi medir o conhecimento sobre PEP entre estudantes universitários. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado entre universitários dos Departamentos de Saúde, Educação, Ciências Exatas e Humanas da Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Brasil. Dados sociodemográficos, informações sobre comportamento sexual e conhecimento sobre PEP foram coletados por meio de um questionário autoaplicável padronizado. Resultados: Foram analisados 1.580 questionários, 66,7% (1024/1536) do sexo feminino, idade média de 23,9 (±6,5) anos, 35,4% (448/1264) relatam uso irregular de preservativo, e o uso regular não foi associado ao fato de ser estudante da área da saúde (p=0,44, OR 0,90, IC95% 0,69-1,17). Em relação à PEP, 28,5% (449/1578) já tinham ouvido falar, e seu conhecimento foi estatisticamente associado a homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH) (p<0,01, OR 3,92, IC95% 2,45­6,28). Destaca-se que 94,0% (1485/1579) não sabiam o tempo limite para iniciar o PEP, 95,1% (1500/1578) não sabiam o tempo de duração da profilaxia e 91,1% (1437/1577) não sabiam onde conseguir o PEP. Por fim, 0,4% (7/1578) referiu uso anterior e 96,6% (1488/1540) não mudaria seu comportamento sexual após saber da PEP. Conclusão: A PEP é uma estratégia de prevenção disponível há décadas, segura, eficaz e de baixo custo, porém, é subutilizada e seu desconhecimento é um dos principais obstáculos ao acesso. Há um conhecimento limitado sobre PEP entre universitários, destacando-se como uma barreira na prevenção de novas infecções, o que evidencia a necessidade de intervenções baseadas na educação em saúde sexual, estimulando a redução de comportamentos de risco e disseminando informações sobre prevenção combinada.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Sexual Behavior , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Post-Exposure Prophylaxis , Brazil , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 912-916, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985612


Objective: To investigate the population size of transgender women (TGW) in Tianjin and analyze the characteristics of their sexual behaviors to provide a basis for AIDS prevention and control. Methods: To estimate the population size of TGW in Tianjin using the capture-recapture method. At the same time, an anonymous questionnaire was collected to conduct a multi-factor logistic analysis of the TGW population's sexual behavior. Results: A total of 213 TGW were investigated. Tianjin's estimated TGW population size was 599 (95%CI: 407-792). Multivariate logistic analysis of the use of condoms consistently showed that compared with TGW without regular sex partners, those with regular sex partners had a lower proportion of consistent condom use (aOR=0.44, 95%CI: 0.23-0.82) and had received HIV tests in the last year were more likely to adhere to condom use than those who had not been tested (aOR=2.73, 95%CI: 1.06-6.99). Conclusion: It is necessary to strengthen HIV mobilization testing among the TGW population and their regular sexual partners to improve condom use.

Humans , Female , Population Density , Transgender Persons , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Partners , HIV Infections/prevention & control
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 905-911, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985611


Objective: To understand the cognition and medication use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in China and its associated factors. Method: From August 25 to September 5, 2021, 2 447 MSM were recruited in 24 cities to complete the online questionnaire through a male social interaction platform, Blued 7.5 software. The survey contents included demographic information of the respondents, PrEP awareness and usage, and risk behaviors. Descriptive analysis and multi-level logistic regression were performed for data analysis. SPSS 24.0 and SAS 9.4 software were used for statistical analysis. Results: Among the 2 447 respondents of MSM, 1 712 (69.96%) had heard of PrEP, 437 (17.86%) ever used PrEP, 274 (11.20%) were on PrEP, and 163 (6.66%) had discontinued PrEP; among the 437 cases (whoever used PrEP), more than 61.88% (388/627) adopted emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate regimen, and most of them adopted on-demand regimen. The average PrEP dosage reported in the past year is 1.12 tabletsper person per week. PrEP purchase was primarily via an online channel, and the most concerned factor was the PrEP effectiveness on HIV prevention. The most common reasons for discontinuing PrEP, reported by 163 cases, were the lack of HIV risk perception, the use of a condom to prevent HIV, and the economic burden of PrEP use. The logistic regression analysis showed that PrEP use among MSM in 24 cities was statistically associated with age, monthly income, ever having unprotected anal sex in the past year, used sexual drugs and sexually transmitted disease (STD) diagnosis in the past year. Compared with MSM aged 18-24, the proportion of MSM was relatively lower among those aged 25-44, who discontinued the PrEP (aOR=0.54,95%CI:0.34-0.87) or never used PrEP (aOR=0.62,95%CI:0.44-0.87). The proportion of unprotected anal sex among MSM currently on PrEP use was higher than those who have stopped PrEP and never used PrEP (all P<0.05). Those MSM group, with monthly income higher than 5 000 Yuan, used sexual drugs and STD diagnosis in the past year were more likely to have a higher rate for PrEP usage (all P<0.05). Conclusions: Currently, pre-exposure prophylaxis in the MSM group is primarily obtained via the online channel and adopted in an on-demand mode. Although the PrEP users have reached a certain proportion, it is still necessary to strengthen health education on the PrEP effects and side effects of MSM and to improve the awareness and use rate, especially for young MSM group, which can be combined with the advantages of the internet targeting its needs and use barriers.

Humans , Male , Homosexuality, Male , Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis , Cities , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Sexual Behavior , China , HIV Infections/prevention & control
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 797-801, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985564


Objective: To understand HIV self-testing and related factors in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Shijiazhuang. Methods: From August to September 2020, convenient sampling was used to recruit MSM in Shijiazhuang. Online questionnaires were used to collect information about their demographic characteristics, sexual behaviors and HIV self-testing. logistic regression model was used to analyze the related factors associated with HIV self-testing. Results: In the 304 MSM respondents, 52.3% (159/304) had HIV self-testing in the past 6 months, and 95.0% (151/159) used fingertip blood HIV detection reagent. Self-purchase was the main way to obtain HIV testing reagents (45.9%, 73/159), followed by supply from MSM social organization (44.7%, 71/159). The reasons for having HIV self-testing were non-specific testing time (67.9%, 108/159) and privacy protection (62.9%,100/159), the reasons for having no HIV self-testing included inability of using (32.4%, 47/145), being unaware of HIV self-testing reagent (24.1%, 35/145), and worry about inaccurate self-testing results (19.3%, 28/145). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that being 18-29 years old (aOR=2.68, 95%CI: 1.20-5.94), obtaining free HIV self-testing kits in recent 6 months (aOR=8.61, 95%CI: 4.09-18.11) and making friends through Internet and social software (aOR=2.68, 95%CI: 1.48-4.88) were positive factors for having HIV self-testing. Conclusion: HIV self-testing is a more flexible and convenient way to detect HIV in MSM, and the promotion of HIV self-testing in MSM should be strengthened to further increase the HIV detection rate in this population.

Male , Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Homosexuality, Male , Self-Testing , Sexual and Gender Minorities , HIV Testing , Sexual Behavior
Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine ; : 2-2, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971192


BACKGROUND@#Men who have sex with men (MSM) have become a high risk population of HIV infection due to their risky sexual behaviors. The latent pattern of psychosocial characteristics plays an important effect in HIV-related risky behaviors among HIV-negative MSM.@*METHOD@#Participants were recruited from Wuhan, Nanchang, and Changsha city from September 2017 to January 2018. Social support was assessed by the multidimensional scale of social support, Connor-Davidson Resilience scale-10 items for reliance, the assessment of Stigma towards Homosexuality for sexual minority stigma, the Likert subscale of nondisclosure for identity concealment, the ACE questionnaire-Kaiser-CDC for adverse childhood experience, the Centers for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for depression. Latent profile analysis (LPA) and multivariate regression were used to analyze the data.@*RESULTS@#Three psychosocial characteristic patterns were revealed by the LPA. "Social support and resilience group" (SR group), "Identity concealment group" (IC group) and "Adverse childhood experience" (ACE group) were identified, respectively. In comparison with "SR group", "IC group" have a higher likelihood of one-night male partners (AOR = 2.74, 95%CI = [1.54, 4.90]), both fixed and one-night male partners (AOR = 2.01, 95%CI = [1.34, 3.01]) and HIV-unsure male partner (AOR = 2.12, 95%CI = [1.44, 3.13]). Similarly, "ACE group" were more likely having inconsistent condom use (AOR = 2.58, 95%CI = [1.41, 4.73]), and having sex with HIV-positive male partner (AOR = 4.90, 95%CI = [1.95, 12.30]) with comparison of "SR group". In addition, we further revealed that "ACE group" had a higher ratio (90.0%) of inconsistent condom use among MSM whose male partners were HIV-positive.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Six important psychosocial factors were divided into three latent pattern classes. Compared with "SR group", "IC group" and "ACE group" were more likely to engage in HIV-related risky sexual behaviors. Further research may pay more attention to "IC group" and "ACE group" for targeted intervention.

Humans , Male , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Homosexuality, Male/psychology , Risk Factors , Sexual and Gender Minorities/psychology , Sexual Behavior/psychology
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 452-456, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969927


Objective: To investigate the association between the response to repeated negative HIV testing and the risk sexual behaviors in men who have sex with men (MSM) in Chengdu. Methods: A total of 610 MSM were recruited by convenience sampling method through Chengdu Tongle Health Consultation Service Centre from March to May 2022. Data were collected from the MSM through questionnaire survey, including the demographic characteristics, sexual behaviors in the past 6 months, the response to rerpeated negative HIV testing. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were conducted to analyze the association between the response to repeated negative HIV testing and risk sexual behavior. Results: A total of 579 (94.9%) participants participated in the questionnaire survey and 354 (61.1%) subjects were included in the study.For the negative HIV testing, some MSM believed that they had taken effective protection measures (17.03±2.20), some believed that they were lucky (7.50±1.87) and some believed that they were at low risk (8.87±3.62). Multivariate logistic regression model showed that protected sexual behavior was negatively associated with group sex (aOR=0.80, 95%CI: 0.67-0.95), lucky was positively associated with casual sex (aOR=1.20, 95%CI: 1.06-1.35), inconsistent condom use (aOR=1.21, 95%CI: 1.06-1.37), group sex (aOR=1.26, 95%CI: 1.00-1.60), and multiple sexual partners (aOR=1.24, 95%CI: 1.09-1.42) and low risk perception was positively associated with multiple sexual partners only (aOR=1.08, 95%CI: 1.01-1.15). Conclusions: There were high levels of recognition of protected sexual behavior and lucky dimensions in response to repeated negative HIV testing and well risk perception in MSM in Chengdu. In HIV testing and counseling services, intervention and risk warning should be strengthened in MSM who believed that they are lucky to improve their awareness of safe sex and reduce the negative effects of fluke mind.

Male , Humans , Homosexuality, Male , HIV Infections/prevention & control , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Sexual Behavior , HIV Testing , Logistic Models
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e250825, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1448939


As identidades transmasculinas ganharam visibilidade social e acadêmica no Brasil a partir de 2010, contudo, as questões subjetivas dos homens trans ainda são pouco debatidas, em particular temas associados aos relacionamentos afetivos na experiência desses sujeitos. Este estudo qualitativo tem por objetivo identificar as percepções e expectativas dos homens trans acerca dos relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais no cenário pós-transição de gênero. Participaram da pesquisa 15 homens transexuais hormonizados, com idades entre 20 e 41 anos. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevista semiestruturada nas modalidades presencial e on-line. Empregou-se análise temática reflexiva, que resultou em dois temas analíticos. Os resultados apontam que os homens trans, ao contrário de suas expectativas iniciais, percebem que tiveram menos oportunidades de relacionamentos afetivo-sexuais depois de sua transição de gênero. Os participantes atribuem essa dificuldade especialmente ao fato de não terem se submetido à cirurgia de redesignação sexual. O desconforto é acentuado por sua materialidade corpórea divergente da cisnormatividade, sistema regulador que associa pessoas pertencentes ao gênero masculino à presença de um pênis. Outra fonte de desconforto é o repúdio social, que alimenta a abjeção, exotização e fetichização dos corpos transmasculinos. Também são descritas as especificidades do relacionamento dos homens trans com mulheres cisgênero, heterossexuais e lésbicas. Os resultados evidenciam que a fixação persistente no genital, como referente e signo determinante do gênero e da sexualidade, modula e regula a busca e o encontro de parceira(o) íntima(o).(AU)

Transmasculine identities have gained social and academic visibility in Brazil since 2010, but subjective issues, especially those associated with affective relationships, are still little discussed. This qualitative study sought to identify trans men's perceptions and expectations regarding post-transition affective-sexual relationships. A total of 15 transsexual men undergoing hormone therapy, aged between 20 and 41 years, participated in the research. Data were collected by means of in-person and online semi-structured interviews and analysed using reflexive thematic analysis, which resulted in two analytical themes. Results show that trans men, differently from their initial expectations, perceive fewer opportunities for affective-sexual relationships after their gender transition. The participants attribute this difficulty, especially, to the fact that they have not undergone sexual reassignment surgery. Discomfort isaccentuated by their bodily materiality diverging from cisnormativity, the regulatory system that associates people belonging to the male gender with the presence of a penis. Another source of discomfort is the social repudiation, which reinforces the abjection, exoticization, and fetishization of transmasculine bodies. The specifics of trans men's relationships with cisgender, heterosexual, and lesbian women are also described. The results show that the persistent fixation on the genital, as a referent and determinant sign of gender and sexuality, modulates and regulates the search for and encounter of intimate partners.(AU)

Las identidades transmasculinas han ganado visibilidad social y académica en Brasil desde 2010, sin embargo, las cuestiones subjetivas de los hombres trans son aún poco discutidas, en particular las cuestiones asociadas a las relaciones afectivas en la experiencia de estos sujetos. Este estudio cualitativo tiene como objetivo identificar las percepciones y expectativas de los hombres trans sobre las relaciones afectivo-sexuales después de la transición de género. Participaron en la investigación 15 hombres transexuales hormonados, de edades comprendidas entre los 20 y los 41 años. La recopilación de datos se realizó mediante una entrevista semiestructurada en las modalidades presencial y en línea. Se realizó un análisis temático reflexivo, que dio como resultado dos temas analíticos. Los resultados muestran que los hombres trans, al contrario de sus expectativas iniciales, perciben que han tenido menos oportunidades de relaciones afectivo-sexuales después de su transición de género. Los participantes atribuyen esta dificultad especialmente al hecho de no haberse sometido a cirugía de reasignación sexual. La incomodidad se acentúa por su materialidad corpórea divergente de la cisnormatividad, un sistema normativo según el cual las personas pertenecientes al género masculino deben tener pene. Otra fuente de malestar es el repudio social, que alimenta la abyección, la exotización y la fetichización de los cuerpos transmasculinos. También se describen las especificidades de las relaciones de los hombres trans con las mujeres heterosexuales, cisgénero y lesbianas. Los resultados muestran que la persistente fijación en los genitales, como referente y signo determinante del género y la sexualidad, modula y regula la búsqueda y el encuentro de parejas íntimas.(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Young Adult , Transsexualism , Marriage , Spouses , Transgender Persons , Gender Identity , Personality Development , Prejudice , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychosexual Development , Self Care , Self Concept , Sexual Behavior , Gonadal Steroid Hormones , Single Person , Social Identification , Social Problems , Sociology , Voice , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Body Image , Bisexuality , Family , Homosexuality , Mental Health , Surveys and Questionnaires , Civil Rights , Mammaplasty , Marital Status , Interview , Coitus , Homosexuality, Female , Affect , Access to Information , Delivery of Health Care , Ego , Erotica , Gender and Health , User Embracement , Reproductive Physiological Phenomena , Masculinity , Reproductive Health , Sexual Health , Homophobia , Pessimism , Gender Dysphoria , Gender-Based Violence , Political Activism , Gender Diversity , Monosexuality , Cisgender Persons , Gender Binarism , Gender Stereotyping , Gender Performativity , Gender-Specific Needs , Burnout, Psychological , Sadness , Respect , Body Dissatisfaction , Psychological Distress , Intersex Persons , Social Comparison , Social Inclusion , Gender Equity , Gender Role , Health Disparate, Minority and Vulnerable Populations , Health Policy , Human Rights , Identification, Psychological , Identity Crisis , Individuation , Introversion, Psychological